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Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen Foto mit Raiffeisen-Logo im Hintergrund.

Our vision: Helping people to help themselves

Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen was a German social reformer...

...who wanted to alleviate the serious economic and social problems in his environment.

He was convinced that only help for self-help could solve people's problems. In his spirit, we support women and children to lead a sustainable and financially independent life

Our successes so far

over 100 projects

12 countries

over 6.8 million Euro donations

for 18 years

Ein junger Junge genießt einen ruhigen Moment auf einer Bank, in Gedanken versunken und von Ruhe umgeben.

Our Principles

The fight against poverty in Central and Eastern Europe is at the heart of our work. Our focus is on social and educational projects for women and children, as these groups of people are often the most vulnerable and educational measures in childhood have the greatest long-term effect.

Eine Gruppe von Männern und Frauen lächelt und posiert für ein Foto im Gras, das Stepic Charity CEE liebenswerte Team.

Our Helping Hands

Our projects are managed by volunteers and employees of RBI in Vienna and throughout the RBI network. As a result, the projects are optimally positioned in administrative, financial and legal terms. Administrative costs are thus kept to a minimum and all donations entrusted to us go directly to the projects and our protégés.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Spende.

Your Donation

Your donation will help children, young people and mothers who are in need through no fault of their own. In this way, you help these people to get an education, survive an emergency situation and ultimately stand on their own two feet. Donations in Austria are tax-deductible.

Your donation helps