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Data protection declaration

The Stepic CEE Charity (hereinafter referred to as Charity or Association) - as the one responsible for data processing - is committed to the protection of personal data. When using personal data, the Charity therefore complies with all requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Adaptation Act (DSG) and strives for the best possible transparency. The Charity processes the personal data according to the principles of legality, transparency, correctness, purpose limitation, data minimization and storage period limitation. With this data protection declaration, we want to inform you comprehensively about the processing of your personal data and the data protection claims and rights to which you are entitled. The Charity is registered with the Federal Ministry of the Interior under the ZVR number 522188386.

I. Data

If you have any questions or comments about this Data protection declaration or about data protection in general, you can contact the following address:

H. Stepic CEE Charity

Association for the support of charitable projects in Central and Eastern Europe

Am Stadtpark 9

1030 Wien


The Charity only processes data that is relevant for the fulfilment of its purpose. In this context, we collect, store and use the following personal information that you provide directly to us when you register for our newsletter, donate to our charitable projects, explicitly request further information, become a member, sponsor or project partner.

Personal data includes:

  • First and last name, title, address, contact data (e-mail address, telephone number), date of birth
  • any other information that you voluntarily submit to a form on the website during registration
  • Bank details (membership etc.)
  • for sponsors or legal entities as members: company, contact person contact data (e-mail address, telephone number)
  • Details of all donations you make to the Charity, including amount, currency, method of payment and bank details.

We collect information from our contact persons, sponsors and donors in order to communicate more effectively with them, to promote our projects and to be able to carry out the administrative processing in connection with the activities of the association. We process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/DSGVO) and the Austrian Data Protection Act as amended.

The purposes of the data processing depend primarily on the legal necessity, the administrative handling and the association advertising (demonstrative enumeration):

  • for the fulfilment of contractual obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit b DSGVO) - 
    e.g. member administration
  • for the fulfilment of legal obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO) -
    e.g. data transfer to the financial administration for automatic deduction of donations according to § 18 (8) EstG (German Income Tax Act)
  • within the scope of your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit a DSGVO)
    If you have given us your consent to process your personal data for certain purposes (e.g. for the sending of a newsletter) a processing will only take place in accordance with the purposes specified in the declaration of consent and to the extent agreed therein. A given consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.
  • to safeguard legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 lit f DSGVO)

The Charity only shares its data with the parties listed below or with trustworthy third parties (e.g. the tax authorities for automatic donation deductibility). Recipients of the personal data include employees of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) who volunteer for the Charity and who need this data exclusively to fulfil the purpose of the association. Depending on the purpose of the processing, the Charity also passes on data to contract processors commissioned by it (RaiseNow) if this is necessary for the fulfilment of the task.

Your data will not be transferred to countries outside the European Union.

Automated decision making and profiling do not take place.

Your personal data will be stored for as long as necessary or for the duration of the association's activities as well as in accordance with the statutory retention periods or until the expiry of the applicable warranty, statute of limitations and statutory retention periods within which claims may be made. If you ask us not to send you any more messages or to delete your data, we will process your request and store a minimum of information in order to comply with our legal duty of care and to ensure that you will not be contacted again by us.

You have the right at any time to information, correction, deletion or restriction of the processing of your stored data, a right of objection against the processing as well as the right to data transfer in accordance with the requirements of data protection law.

Unless your request is accompanied by a legal obligation to store data, you have a right to deletion of your data. Data stored by us will be deleted if they are no longer needed for their intended purpose and there are no legal retention periods. If deletion cannot be carried out because the data is required for permissible legal purposes, data processing will be restricted. In this case, the data will be blocked and not processed for other purposes.

If the persons concerned do not consent to the storage of their personal data, the data must be deleted. Consequently, this data can no longer be used to fulfil the purpose of the association. A given consent for the storage of personal data can be revoked at any time.

Your consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons in writing and free of form by e-mail to will be revoked.

You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data by the person responsible.

If you make a donation via our website, we will use the personal data you provide exclusively for the purpose of processing and handling your donation order. The Charity undertakes to protect the privacy of all persons who use the online donation facilities at and to treat the personal data provided to us by users confidentially. The Charity needs the stored data for the smooth processing of your donation, e.g. for the transmission to the tax office, so that you can make your donation tax deductible. The Charity does not sell any personal data and does not pass this data on to third parties.

We make every effort to ensure the security of your data within the framework of the applicable data protection laws and technical possibilities. Your personal data will be transmitted encrypted. Access to our website is secured via HTTPS if your browser supports SSL. This means that communication between your end device and our servers is encrypted. However, we would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) can be subject to security gaps. A complete protection of the data against access by third parties is not possible. To secure your data, we maintain technical and organizational security measures in accordance with Art. 32 DSGVO, which we continually adapt to the state of the art. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that our services will be available at certain times;

Disturbances, interruptions or failures cannot be excluded. The servers we use are regularly and carefully backed up.

All donations, including the transmission of payment information and other personal information, are made via secure, encrypted connections to the Charity and our payment processing partner.

  1. Cookies
    Cookies are used to store features such as view size, contrast, and selection. However, no personal data is collected via cookies, so this website uses cookies for pseudonymized range measurement. These are transmitted either by our server or the server of a third party to the browser of the user. Cookies are small files that are stored on your end device. Your browser accesses these files. The use of cookies increases the user-friendliness and security of this website. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

  2. JavaScript and tracking pixels
    On our website, cookies and other common web control elements are used in particular to control and improve our Internet presence (JavaScript and tracking pixels). All data is collected anonymously. This enables us to collect information in order to check for which screen sizes, browsers and operating systems our Internet presence should be optimized. Javascript is a programming language for evaluating user interactions, changing content, reloading or generating.

  3. Google Analytics
    On the basis of our legitimate interests to optimize and analyze our online offering in the sense of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO uses the service "Google Analytics", which is provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). The service (Google Analytics) uses "cookies" - text files which are stored on your terminal device. The information collected by the cookies is usually sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

    Google LLC hält das europäische Datenschutzrecht ein und ist unter dem Privacy-Shield-Abkommen zertifiziert:

    On this website IP anonymization is used. The IP address of the users is shortened within the member states of the EU and the European Economic Area and in the other contracting states of the agreement. Only in individual cases is the IP address initially transmitted unabbreviated to a Google server in the USA and then shortened there. By this shortening the personal reference of your IP address is omitted. The IP address of the user transmitted by the browser is not combined with other data stored by Google.

    As part of the order data agreement, which we as the website operator have concluded with Google Inc., Google Inc. uses the information collected to compile an evaluation of website usage and website activity and provides services associated with Internet usage.

    The data collected by Google on our behalf is used to evaluate the use of our online services by individual users, for example to create reports on website activity to improve our online services.

    You can prevent Google from collecting your data in connection with Google Analytics by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:

    More information about Google's Terms of Use and Google's Privacy policy can be found at

  4. Youtube
    Videos of the video portal YouTube, LLC are integrated on our website. When you play these videos, YouTube stores cookies on your computer. For more information on YouTube data processing, please visit:

If you have given us your consent to send you updates by email (newsletter), we will process your email address for this purpose in order to send you the requested newsletter(s). The legal basis for this is the consent you have given (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR). You can revoke this consent at any time without giving reasons by unsubscribing from the newsletter. Alternatively, you can also withdraw your consent by sending an email to The withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.