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A heartwarming image of a child holding hands with a person, showing care and support.

MOTHER & CHILD: Aid for Mothers and Children

Together with Raiffeisen Bank in Croatia, we support women seeking refuge from domestic violence at “Dom Duga Zagreb.” Care is provided for young children, allowing mothers time for medical or court appointments, as well as for educational pursuits. School-age children receive support with their studies and through individual and group psychosocial counseling.

Key points

95 supported mothers

125 children (aged 0-8) cared for

Aiding 25 school-age children

education opportunities for 11 mothers

aid for domestic violence

Legal assistance

Two hands holding each other with a child's hands, representing symbolic unity and support from Stepic CEE Charity.

Stronger together

Mothers are supported to become stronger and more independent, receiving expert assistance in raising and educating their children. At the same time, activities are provided for the children to help them cope better with the short-term, temporary separation from their mother.

Through "Dom Duga Zagreb," mothers know their children are in a safe place. They can attend appointments without worry, even if they are in another city. They can visit the doctor, attend a job interview, or even take on weekend shift work.

Children in higher grades of primary school and secondary school can improve their grades with learning support and ultimately successfully complete their education.

Children can develop their talents through creativity and learn to be part of a community with values.

Mothers have the opportunity to spend time with their children, engage in crafting, and simply have unburdened fun. We aim to give these children and mothers the chance to experience a better life than they had before coming to "Dom Duga Zagreb."


  • Annual budget: 7,200 euros
  • Total budget: 72,000 euros
  • Duration: 10 years

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