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Future in your Schoolbag

A bag full of happiness – the schoolbag campaign enters a new round

Even in 2022, schooling is still not a matter of course, but a privilege. According to UNICEF, almost one-fifth of the world's population will never attend school. On the occasion of the International Children’s Day on 1 June 2022, the Stepic CEE Charity is therefore again kicking off the annual schoolbag collection. This year we are partnering with a new project partner – Casa Buna (“The Good House”) – a dedicated association taking care of disadvantaged children, especially from minorities groups, in the ghetto area of Ferentari, Bucharest. Together with our partner we put into practice the Sustainable Development Goals, especially the quality of education, the reduction of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities, which are interconnected, and ensure sustainable change. The better the access to education, the higher the chances to live a life beyond poverty and discrimination.

With the schoolbag campaign 2022, we want to continue the great success from recent years and enable a better future for children in need in Central and Eastern Europe. With a donation of € 25 we make it possible that a child in need in Romania receives a schoolbag filled with all the necessary items for school attendance. Be part of our vision and enable access to education.
